Going Deeper


Have you ever hurt someone so deeply that you’ve done damage?  Usually wounds result in defenses.  Defenses result in more wounds.  The relationship, that maybe has lasted years, dies a painful death. When a close friend, who knows the deep parts of us, is suddenly (or sometimes subtlety) stripped from our hearts, the exposure is a raw vulnerable feeling of …

Practical Surrender

I met a man in Rwanda, a prison chaplain named Thomas.  Thomas serves in a prison that houses some of the perpetrators from the Genocide of 1994.  Many of the prison chaplains in Rwanda serve some of the very people who murdered members of their own families.  These men and women are the truest kind of heroes. Thomas told a …

He Is!

As I work through the Book of John in the New Testament, I’ve discovered a common theme that I never noticed before.  Jesus talks a lot about who He is.  In John 6, the crowds ask Him for a sign so they know how to believe Him.  They reminded Jesus about how God provided them manna from heaven to sustain …

Jesus the Friend

Peter has always been one of my favorite disciples.  Between Peter and John, I always get a good laugh when I read the Gospels.  Peter, the impulsive, passionate, will-try-anything-once guy finds himself in trouble a lot.  Remember when Jesus asked him to walk on the water?  Without thinking, he jumps out of the boat and walks on the water.  Then, …


Having grown up a Gentile, a non-Jew, I have never fully grasped the full impact of what this Good Friday means.  Recently, I have been studying the book of Hebrews and have learned some things that shed huge amounts of light on the significance of today.  Good Friday is the day we reflect on the death of Jesus and what …

Washing and Service

As I continue to read through the last week of Jesus’ life on earth, I come to the passage in John 13 when Jesus is washing the feet of His disciples.  When He gets to Peter, a powerful conversation occurs.  Peter feels uncomfortable allowing Jesus to serve him in this way.  He stops Jesus and says, “Never shall You wash …


I have observed that often Jesus answered people’s issues not with a specific outcome, but with Himself.  Here’s what I mean: John 11, as we looked at a few days ago, tells the story of Lazarus being raised from the dead.  Martha, in her grief, unable to receive Jesus’ reassurance that Lazarus would rise from the dead, answers Him saying, …